Weight loss medications, are prescribe to reduce your appetite and food cravings. Over the last few years, the FDA has approved a number of anti-obesity medications that help control appetite and food cravings.
Because weight loss medications make you less hungry, they also reduce how many calories your body takes in each day. Over time, eating fewer calories will cause you to lose weight.
Some anti-obesity medications also help decrease cravings and control compulsive eating, especially for sweets and fatty, salty, high-calorie foods.
Dr.Onwuka’s main focus is on diet, exercise and medication, to help you achieve your goals!
FDA-approved weight loss medications
Vitamin B12 delivers many benefits to your health, including:
Increased energy
Increased metabolism
Enhanced weight loss
Improved memory
Improved immune function
Anti-aging benefits
Stress and unhealthy lifestyle habits like poor diet can interfere with natural vitamin B12 levels in the blood and lead to a deficiency. Vitamin B12 supplements restore deficient levels of the nutrient and provide an added energy boost so you can focus on improving your health. Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin, meaning it is not easily stored by the body and so must be replenished daily to prevent deficiency. Oral supplements deliver increased levels of vitamin B12 to the body, but a large portion of the nutrient is discarded during digestion. Energy and wellness injections featuring vitamin B12 introduce the nutrient directly into the bloodstream, providing patients with an immediate boost of energy and eliminating the risk of the nutrient’s properties being discarded during the digestion process. By injecting vitamin B12 intravenously, Dr. O is able to provide you with a greater dosage of the nutrient than would be safe to consume orally. Vitamin B12 injections can improve your energy levels, increase your weight loss efforts and enhance your health. For more information about energy and wellness injections at Looking Good Cosmetic Surgery, contact us today!
Vitamin B12 + MIC (Methionine, Inositol and Choline)
This injection can help facilitate weight loss and boost energy. It aids in the breakdown of fat and in the use of food for energy...The combination of these medications helps your liver process fats efficiently making weight loss easier.
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
Multiple endocrine neoplasias
People with type 1 diabetes
People with type 2 diabetes already taking a GLP-1 medication
Medullary Thyroid cancer
Kidney disease
Semaglutide is a medication that is used to help control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. It is a GLP-1 receptor agonist that works by stimulating insulin production and reducing glucagon secretion. Our focus is to use it for weight loss. It works an average of about 6 times as fast as trying to lose weight on your own, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The medication is administered via a weekly injection. You can get your injections on the same day and time weekly so that it’s easy to stick to a routine.
Lower blood glucose levels
Long-lasting weight control and maintenance
Suppressed appetite and food cravings
Lower blood pressure levels
Slows or stops the plaque formation in blood vessels
Less risk of heart attack and stroke
Are there any side effects from Semaglutide?
Stomach pain, constipation, headaches, tiredness, bloating, dizziness, indigestion, gas pains, and burping are all possible side effects.
Does Semaglutide interact with any other medications?
Yes, Semaglutide can cause interactions with blood sugar-reducing medicines, like insulin. There is also a possibility that it causes issues with other oral medications, affecting how medications are absorbed.
What happens if I miss one week of injections?
If you miss a dose, it is imperative to get the injection as soon as possible as to not compromise your results. We do not give double doses so it is crucial to schedule your next appointment as close to the original time as possible if you can not make it.
Do I have to exercise or diet while on the medication?
A proper diet and at least 30 minutes of exercise a day can help to compliment the medication and optimize your results; however, these things are not required to see change in your body.